

19th May 2017


Digital Skills Academy

Creative Director

David Burkhardt


Purpose of the Document

The purpose of this document is to record the requirements specification for the minute.ly App. The document outlines the proposed functionality that will be available in the application.

Intended Audience

This document is a business level document intended for business people and any individual with the need to record minutes of their meetings.

Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations

App – Application

Affordances – The properties of an object that inform people how the object could be used. The term ‘perceived affordance’ applies when the object properties are perceived in a way that differs from the real-world, physical properties, especially when the usage of the object depends on perceived rather than real-world properties

Prototype – A lightweight initial design of an interface or product, used to capture initial concepts and layouts to gather feedback from users, as well as project participants and stakeholders.

Scope – the way to describe the boundaries of the project. It defines what the project will deliver and what it will not deliver.

Functional Scope – refers to the services your system offers and that will eventually be captured by the use cases.

CPU – A central processing unit (CPU) is the hardware within a computer that carries out the instructions of a computer program.

OS – Operating System.

OSX – a series of Unix-based graphical interface operating systems.

Identifying the Need

Concept Overview

The following concept has been put forward:

This is going to be a minutes recording App, that will use voice recognition to record and convert the minutes to text.

User Needs

Our App is required because we have identified an opportunity for busy business people to save time on a daily basis. Many business people today have multiple meetings each day and are required to take minutes. As we all know taking minutes is a cumbersome process and can take a lot of time. Often minutes are not documented well or not done at all. The core feature (technology) that our app offers is the ability to recognize and record voice (of individuals) and then output it in text. Both voice and text version can then be easily shared.

  • Users need to use the App as they are required to have proper documented minutes
  • Users will want to use the App as it saves a lot of time
  • They would benefit from using the App as it improves the accuracy of the minutes (nothing left out)

Our App will be mostly used on mobile devices, however the tool has also the ability to be accessed through desktops.

The technology is the functionality of voice recognition and output to text.

Device Affordances

The following application minute.ly app designed by Stream Team, has been identified as the initial target device of the following affordances in terms of the user needs bbehavior It gives the users the ability to record and automatically generate minutes for a meeting using the voice recognition technology native to mobile devices (i.e. smartphones, tablets). The minute.ly app monitors and records speech patterns during conversations while recognizing and tagging each individual contributor. The input is converted into a human-friendly format and distributed automatically as the minutes to each team member once the meeting is adjourned.

The features of the device plays an important part in understanding the usage of the app, intuitive, user friendly, multi-platform support, and fully optimized to work on tablet and mobiles platforms such as iOS, Android and Windows.

The use of an API for native device speech recognition enables minute.ly app to recognize words, grammar and punctuation to communicate with the device. This removes the task of having to manually generate and distribute minutes for meetings.

The minute.ly app takes no training for users to do what they need to achieve:  Monitor and record the meeting conversation and distribute the final output with a small number of steps to go through.

On desktops we have mouse-overs and tool-tips which are great at explaining what to click on desktop apps and websites. Cursors change (on desktops in Windows, often an arrow tip to a hand with a finger pointed up) when we roll-over buttons and buttons generally have at least 3x states: normal, hover/mouse-over and down/click.

On mobile devices we don’t have these things*. We have “fat fingers” with very inaccurate haptic interfaces on small devices *Therefore* we need to make a concerted effort to assist users visually as much as possible with hints or “Affordances“.

Designers and those in the field of Human Computer Interaction often use afford as meaning “to suggest” or “to invite”.

The Stream Team designers will design the navigation of the minute.ly app with appropriate “butcons” (Button Icons) that will leave the users of the app under no illusion as to what is clickable/tappable in order to progress to the next step that they need to progress to in the app. This will be accomplished by the use of appropriate colours, fonts, shading, and possibly 3D effects to invite the user to ‘tap here’. We will be applying standard Gestalt Principles to draw the users’ eye to what they need to do next. Indeed, we have already tested the prototype with a number of people and their responses have been favourable so far.

Standard controls that we are all used to seeing on CD players and the like are employed in the app to start, stop and pause/resume meetings. The style of the buttons is highly intuitive. Profile photographs are used in the interface to indicate which attendees are present at the meeting.

Competitor Analysis

We have identified through our market research other minute taking apps on Google and App store. In essence, there are similarities in functionality, but the majority of them do not recognise Individual Users and it does not offer remote access to the meeting.

None of the competitor apps are as user friendly as the minute.ly app.




App Name /



Voice recording


Individual user recognition


Voice to text






Add Files




to mail


Online access


Offline access




Remote access


End of meeting option


Dropbox functionality





Easy to use

1 Minute.ly yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
2 Meeting minutes yes no yes no yes yes yes yes yes no yes yes yes no
3 Minutes.io no no no no yes yes yes yes yes no yes no no no
4 Cogi yes no no no yes yes yes yes yes no yes yes yes no

By reviewing our competitor’s products, we have learned that customers want the minute.ly app to be easy to use and easy to interact with. We have outlined the main functionality of our competitor’s products below.

Requirements Overview

Functional Scope

  • The minute.ly app gives the users the ability to record and automatically generate minutes for a meeting using the voice recognition technology native to mobile devices (i.e. smartphones, tablets.
  • It should not …… record video.
  • It should not record voice that is not registered as meeting member.

Initial Requirements List

Ref Description
0001 Converting minutes to text
0002 Remotely joining the meeting
0003 Recognition of individual voices
0004 To have the ability to listen back to minutes
0005 Sending the minutes
0006 Converting minutes to a voice
0007 Drag and drop files

Initial Specification

Ref Description
IR-0001 Voice recognition
IR-0002 Voice to Text conversion
IR-0003 Add Files
IR-0004 Screen Interaction
IR-0005 Connect through Gmail
IR-0006 Online and Offline functionality
IR-0007 Remote Access
IR-0008 End of meeting option
IR-0009 Send tasks to meeting members
IR-0010 Security settings
IR-0011 Screen interact function
IR-0012 Stop- Record-Pause-Play function.
IR-0013 Meeting Analytics tool

Validating the Need


We have interviewed 14 real people and discussed general functionality and need for the minute.ly app in their daily life. From the feedback of people that we have interviewed we have confirmed the need for the minute.ly app. The people confirmed that if this product would be available in market they would be potential users of the minute.ly app.


This is the documentation of the data gathering research for the minute.ly app and its functionality requirements feedback from people that have been introduced to the minute.ly app functionality.



We have looked at blogs and articles of people looking for minutes recording app. What we found is that people would like to have a minute recording app to make minute recording that is easy to use.

We have quoted some of the notes from people who have discussed the need for minute recording app on forums:

“Hi, I usually use a notebook (the paper kind) but I feel like the transcribing time is wasted effort. I’m moving to more electronic note taking because of that. Have you found a good way to shorten the transcribing time? “– Perry Wilson Mar 12 ’11 at 18:57

“The problem with this approach is that you get the whole hour-long meeting that you have to listen/read through again afterwards to get the actual action points and decisions. Which means you basically process the entire meeting twice, wasting a lot of time.” – Johan Mar 28 ’12 at 6:34

Research for Speech recognition

Speech recognition software uses 2 different kinds of recognition:

  1. Speaker Independent – Systems that do not use voice training are called “speaker independent speech recognition” systems.

Speaker independent software is designed to recognize anyone’s voice, so no training is involved. This means it is the only real option for applications such as interactive voice response systems.

The downside is that speaker–independent software is generally less accurate than speaker–dependent software.

Speech recognition engines that are speaker independent generally deal with this fact by limiting the grammars they use. By using a smaller list of recognized words, the speech engine is more likely to correctly recognize what a speaker said.

  1. Speaker Dependent – Systems that use training are called “speaker dependent” systems.

These systems analyze the person’s specific voice and use it to fine tune the recognition of that person’s speech, resulting in more accurate transcription.

Voice recognition or Speaker identification refers to finding the identity of “who” is speaking, rather than what they are saying. Recognizing the speaker can simplify the task of translating speech in systems that have been trained on a specific person’s voice or it can be used to authenticate or verify the identity of a speaker as part of a security process.

Other Data Gathering Methods Used

We have surveyed 23 people. From looking at the survey results we can see that 80% of the people surveyed would be potential minute.ly users. These results give us clear indication that there is a need for the minute.ly app.

Validation Results

From all the surveys completed we have created the validation of the requirements for the minute.ly app as shown in graphic below.

Using the feedback results from people that we surveyed, we have created the final requirements for our the minute.ly app.

Ref Description
VR-0001 Converting minutes to text
VR-0002 Remotely joining the meeting
VR-0003 Recognition of individual voices
VR-0004 To have the ability to listen back to minutes
VR-0005 Sending the minutes
VR-0006 Converting minutes to a voice
VR-0007 Drag and drop files

Critical Success Factors

The users have identified some of the key functionality that they would like to have in the minute.ly app in order for them to use it or buy it.

Ref Description Priority
CSF-0001 Minute.ly app will be usable on all mobile devices High
CSF-0002 Integration to Outlook as most of the businesses use Outlook system Medium
CSF-0003 Operating system compatibility with Mac and Microsoft High
CSF-0004 Competitors may have same app idea and have it developed before us Medium

CSF = Critical success Factor


Based on the requirements validation and the user community we have talked to we have created Personas and user Scenarios for Minute.ly app.


Name: Brian
Age: 45
Occupation: Accountant
Location: Dublin Suburbs
Education: Accountant – ACCA Qualified
Personal details:

  • Married, 2 kids
  • Lives in purchased detached house
  • Avid GYM member
His Goal: To have monthly meetings with company directors and other finance staff to discuss company finances.
Brian has a very busy daily work schedule and relies on accurate information and detailed meeting minutes to review what was discussed.

To avoid mistakes made by staff dictating minutes Brian uses and trusts minute.ly to accurately record and distribute minutes to all the relevant people.

Brian also uses the features of minute.ly to confirm decisions made by company directors and other staff members, months after the meeting was held. He is very happy with the features of minute.ly and finds its functionality invaluable.


Name: James
Age: 33
Occupation: Freelance Web Developer
Location: Dublin
Education: BA Computer Science
Personal details:

  • Unmarried, no kids.
  • Lives in a newly built rented 2 bedroom apartment
His Goal: James holds regular meetings with client(s) to discuss/agree specifications, timelines, detailed website/app functionality.

As a freelance web developer James travels around the country for client meetings. He finds that with so many meetings he sometimes forgets important decisions that were reached.

With a lot of meetings to attend James cannot always make it on time or cannot attend a meeting at all due to scheduling conflicts.

He relies on minute.ly to record and distribute the meeting minutes to him if he was unable to attend or review the minutes during the project development if he is unsure what final decision was made.

James has found that all clients he has introduced to minute.ly have found the app very useful. They have recommended the app to their colleagues and think of it as an essential tool for all of their meetings.


Name: Michelle
Age: 42
Occupation: Managing Director @ DI Designs
Location: Dublin
Education: Masters in Digital marketing & Business Management
Personal details:

·       Married with 3 kids, aged 14, 12 and 9 years.

·       Lives in a private house, in a quiet housing estate, 5 minutes’ drive from Dublin centre.

·       Since age 36 she has arthritis in her right hand.

Her Goal: To have meeting with her designer team to agree on a design and functions of the new website they are developing for ZiGi company.
Michelle has a very important new customer Alice, who is owner of a very large international company ZiGi. Alice wants Michelle to present her design and function proposal for the new website.

Michelle has arranged meeting with her design team for Wednesday 2pm. She already has asked 3 designers (Gerry, Ken and Andy) to make a design drafts for this and they will join her at the meeting to work with them on best design options to present to Alice.

Michelle arrives for meeting 15 minutes early to set everything up for it. She turns on a projector for presentation, she makes sure her iPAD is fully charged for the meeting and she starts her Minute App.

When all 3 designers arrive Michelle asks them to record their voice by reading one sentence for her meeting app. She explains that she is using a new App that takes minutes for the meeting so she would not have to write it all down as she has a medical condition with her hand.

All designers have no problem with that and they are very impressed with new app that saves Michelle all the writing.

Michelle starts the meeting and recording of the minutes. All designers present the designs to her and they have a very hard decision to make as she likes more that 3 presented designs.

She goes home and reviews the designs again and goes through her minutes in her Minute app. She notices some details she has missed in meeting on two of the designs that really make them stand out. She decides to present them 2 designs to Alice on Friday.

On Friday Michelle goes to meeting with Alice and starts her Minute App to record meeting minutes. She presents the designs she has for ZiGi website. Alice loves one of the designs, but she wants to add bit more functionality. They agree that it can be done. Alice is very happy and decides to sign a contract with Michelle to design her website.


Name: Gerry
Age: 28
Occupation: Event coordinator
Location: Dublin city
Education: BA Diploma in event management
Personal details:

·      Not married

·      Lives in rented accommodation with his girlfriend

·      Looking to buy a car

His Goal: To have meeting with his assistant Ray and convince his new client Mary to go with his company to plan a fundraiser event for a big local company.
He had a very busy day and he is going to be late for his meeting with his assistant Ray and their new client Mary at 3pm.

He calls his assistant and asks him to apologise to Mary that he will be 15 minutes late. He asks his assistant Ray to start the Minute app and start the meeting as agreed per agenda.

While he is sitting in Luas Gerry opens his phone and opens his Minutes app to connect to meeting that has just started. He can see that Ray is introducing to Mary Agenda of the meeting and has started to discuss possible locations for the fundraiser, number of people attending and dress code.

He arrives at this meeting 15 minutes late. When he enters the meeting room he apologises and straight away joins the meeting – without anyone stopping meeting and trying to explain to him what was said and covered. He said he liked Mary’s idea that all people will have to wear red or white. Rays idea and the Japanese gardens would be a perfect location as it is going to take place in the middle of June.

Gerry explains his ideas on how the best to approach the raising of funds and organisation of this event, he suggests bands and performers while having BBQ.

Mary loves the idea and decides to go with Gerry’s company as organisers of her company event. She asks Gerry to show her the app he was using to be able to join meeting and follow what they were discussing as she often has a tight time schedules for making meetings and this app would save her time too.

Assumptions, Issues and Risks


If any of the items below need to be taken into consideration, then list them, add potential mitigations if known. The Further information required should be used as a check list of items that need information, work or investigation prior to the design phase as they only came up while this document was being finalised.


Ref Description
0001 All those present at the meeting will need a fairly powerful smartphone.
0002 All those present at the meeting will have email address.
0003 All those present at meeting will be able to speak.
0004 Technology will be able to recognise voice
0005 Tool will be able to connect with 3rd part calendars
0006 minute.ly app will be as useful as pleasure to interact (easy to use)
007 Recording system (voice recognition) will be resistant to various disturbances of the background


Ref Description
0001 Ideally, only one person at a time can talk or else the software will struggle to identify what’s being said.
0002 All present at the meeting will have to speak loud and clear for system to pick up all words.
0003 Users can only remote in if the meeting is held online
0004 Will system pick up a strong foreign accent
0005 Will the app work well on smaller screens/better on ipad/phablets
0006 Possibility of slower processor speed and wireless connection


Ref Description
0001 If voice data is to be transmitted along with the text based version of the minutes after the meeting is over, this will require considerable bandwidth and a fast connection to the Internet.
0002 If customer wants to listen to ‘audio’ version of the minutes he must have powerful battery for his phone.
0003 If we offer offline functionality, where is the data stored? (temp on users phone?)
0004 We need large database capacity if all recordings and texts is saved on our servers like YouTube
0005 As a part of our ongoing responsibility we need to provide regular updates (maintenance &support) to improve functionality
0006 How is it affected by background noise?


Ref Description
0001 Largely dependent on mature voice recognition technology to perform the core functionality.
0002 Meeting can be interrupted for person connecting remotely of bad internet coverage issues.
0003 Are we able to connect with Gmail/MS Outlook
0004 Will the tool work on smaller screens/less efficient on mini screens
0005 What if the system will misunderstand some words spoken as people often hesitate, mumble or slur their words
0006 What about technical jargon?


Ref Description
0001 Data required by the conversion process
0002 Need internet connection to be able to connect meeting remotely.
0003 Dependant on microphone quality of each device
0004 Dependant on phone technology to convert voice to text?
0005 Initial training period during which the app ‘learns’ the operator’s voice
0006 Accurate positioning of the microphone

Further Information Required

Ref Description
0001 APP. DEV. to further advise on proposed software implementation and what APIs are required.
0002 Further advice on what text output type system will have and how it is going to be implemented.
0003 Email integration with Gmail/MS Outlook
0004 What sort of server space do we require?
0005 Are we an app or are we also web based to be used on desktops?
0006 Compatible with what OS?
0007 Are we a free service or paid tool?

System Requirements


As the development of the app. progresses, we would need to test a number of different voice recognition technologies, a number of which rely on a robust connection to the Internet and some which do not, in order to identify the best one for our app.

As ever with technology, the voice recognition sector is showing great promise and continues to move in a positive direction. In an article in the Guardian in December, 2013, Scott Huffman, senior engineering director at Google, made it clear that Google sees voice as playing one of the biggest roles in this crazy new age of wearable tech – possibly more so than screens and keyboards. In another article in the International Business Times, new technology by Intel called Jarvis is being developed which shows great promise. Intel thinks its new, digital personal assistant (which shares a name with the artificially intelligent computer featured in the “Iron Man” comics and movies) will deliver things that Siri can’t, in large part because he’s not tethered to the cloud. Jarvis technology is something that we would like to consider as a solution for converting meeting minutes to text in the minute.ly app but we may have to wait some time before it matures.

Out of scope

The following table outlines the Out of Scope Requirements:

Ref Description
001 Video recording device
002 Direct to printer option
003 Address action items
004 Cross reference to related meeting topics in previous meeting minutes. This presumes shared repository perhaps in cloud with smart filing capability. Perhaps this is beyond scope.
005 translation in text and voice to different languages
006 Off line access instant message assign tasks
007 Not an offline


The following table outlines the functional objectives (not project objectives) of this specification.

Ref Description Priority
DO-0001 Transfer voice to text High
DO-0002 Give information on recent member activity Medium
DO-0003 Display converted voice to text instantly Medium
DO-0004 Let take a picture Medium
DO-0005 List members involved High
DO-0006 Record Voice High
DO-0007 Display attendees picture Low
DO-0008 Show activity such as instant message/file transfer/assign a task Medium
DO-0009 To allow user to stop/record/play Medium
DO-0010 Allows to create meeting High
DO-0011 Allows invite attendees High
DO-0012 Allows you to pre-set the meeting Medium
DO-0013 Allows to store text High

DO = Delivery Objectives


Principle of this project is for all team members to have a clear understanding of the product concept and functionality. All team members must have used an app before and have a good understanding how minute taking works in real life.

Security Requirements

The following table outlines the Security Requirements:

Ref Description
001 Data is stored in secure server database(s) with daily incremental backups.
002 Strong client passwords are enforced during registration using an industry standard password-checking algorithm.
003 Client passwords are encrypted and stored in the database using the SHA encryption algorithm to prevent security breaches
004 Email addresses entered during the client registration process must be in valid format, and are verified using a unique security code.
005 There is no access to sensitive or client information for the Minute.ly App unless the user is logged in with valid username or email address.
006 All code is unit tested and control measures are in place to monitor and assess any errors when they arise.
007 Account Access control is limited to system admins who have full access to client account information.
008 Application updates are verified using MD5 checksums.
009 All communication between the Minute.ly app and application servers/databases is encrypted using Secure Socket Layers.
010 Application data on the device is encrypted so that sensitive data such as usernames, passwords, or credit card numbers can’t be accessed easily from the file system.
011 All external servers are firewalled and OS updates/patches are installed as required.

Audit Requirements

Purpose of an audit is a planned and documented activity performed by selected team’s members to determine by investigation, examination, or evaluation of objective evidence, the adequacy and compliance with established procedures, or applicable documents, and the effectiveness of implementation.

Auditing will be a systematic and independent examination of data, operations and performances of the project for a stated purpose. In underlining audit process the auditors will first recognize the propositions before them for examination, evaluate the implementation process against formal documentation procedures and on this basis formulate their judgment which will be communicated directly to persons interested. The purpose is then to give an opinion on the adequacy of controls within an environment of the audit, to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of risk management, control, and governance processes.

Ref Description

·       Provide management with an independent assessment of efficiency and effectiveness of the design and operation of internal controls and operating procedures.

·       Provide management with the identification of application-related issues that require attention

·       Define where application vulnerabilities exist

·       Discuss Information Interfaces

·       Walk through Auditing Process

·       Identify High Risk Vulnerabilities

·       Outline Mitigating Solutions

·       Identification and evaluation of the design of controls

·       Evaluation of control effectiveness

·       Assessment of compliance with regulatory requirements

·       Identification of issues requiring management attention

Auditing Approach ·       Work with the developers to enhance education and prevention, rather than fault finding.

·       Configuration Management and Project Managers will ensure everyone has their eyes on security, performance and user cantered design.

·       Begin by collecting high level data flow diagrams

·       Study and review of documentation relating to the application

·       Study key functions of the software at work by observing and interacting with operating personnel during work.

·       Run through the various menus, features and options to identify processes and options for conformance to business rules and practices.

·       Correct any weaknesses found at the end of an applications review in the software that could lead to errors or compromises in security.

·       Evaluate the environment under which the application runs.



Trace the data down to specific functions that request input or return output and document each function’s name, file location and input/output arguments.
Data validation


·       Proper controls need to be put in place to ensure the data received is what’s expected and the data returned to the users is of an expected output as well.

·       Taking the functions identified in “where to start”, examine each of these functions to ensure proper data validation (and if necessary data scrubbing) takes place.

·       Particularly ensure the proper data type (numeric, alpha, or both) is being checked, proper length (min, max, or exact) is specified, if data is required or not, default value is specified, and that functions to clean the data are written.

Error Handling ·       Examine the error handling of all functions to ensure the errors are sanitized to the point of providing “need to know” information back to the user

·       Production applications should not provide the same error messages as used in development Best Practice


Localisation Requirements

The following table outlines the Localisation Requirements:

Ref Description
001 US English to be the seed language for the user interfaces.
002 It must be possible to localize all strings to a language and a variance of the language
003 Local specific settings will be used in Ireland, such as numbers, dates, times, time zones, decimals and currency.
004 For future development we may consider other languages depending on technology progress.

Accessibility Requirements

At this point we don’t intent to design for accessibility.

Integration Requirements

We will be integrating our product with the outlook client software, outlook.com and Gmail and calendar application on OSX.

For cloud storage services we are evaluating cost effectiveness of amazon AWS.

Report Requirements

One of our features that will be part of the minute.ly app is meeting analytics which will provide a report on the following:

Ref Description
001 Total duration
002 User task assigned
003 Total amount of instant messages
004 Total files edited
005 Total of people added to the meeting at the start
006 Identifying two or more users talking at the same time

Monitoring Requirements

The following table outlines the monitoring Requirements:

Ref Description
001 Any application and server downtime is monitored and communicated via app notices.
002 A dedicated twitter account will be set up to communicate any issues and/or (un)scheduled downtime.
003 Control structures are in place to monitor, report and repair long database queries as well as application hangs and any unhandled exceptions.
004 Unusual CPU, memory, network usage is automatically reported to system administrators.
005 Usage of the application and report statistics on most/least used functions so developers know where code optimizations are most beneficial.
006 Constant external monitoring of the status of external components (databases, web services, fileservers, etc.) is in place.
007 Monitor and report the number of application background tasks and scheduled server maintenance/scheduled tasks.
008 Monitor the number of new users, active users and total users.
009 Track the following user usage over various time periods with historical reporting:

·       How often is Minute.ly opened

·       The duration users spend using the application

·       Which icons/buttons are clicked (or any other custom event)

·       Wi-fi and cellular data usage

010 Record the device information and operating system environment.
011 Integration of a feedback form in the Minute.ly application for user feedback and application suggestions.

Publication Requirements

The following table outlines the Publications Requirements:

Ref Description
001 At the end of the meeting give the administrator the option to tweet about the minute.ly app.
002 There will be a printable pdf to compliment the product available.

Infrastructure Requirements

There are currently two leading Mobile operating systems in the market – the Android OS by Google, and the OS by Apple.

The status quo right now is that multiplatform is the best way to go for any application, which allows it to penetrate a wider market audience.

So how can we go multi-platform in today’s mobile environment?

Cloud Computing! We require a common Mobile Enterprise Application Platform (MEAP) that is available on all mobile platforms. Mobile applications can run on the Cloud and accessed through the MEAP, allowing everyone to have a common ground in mobile application consumption.


Another method is to use HTML5. Since all platforms have full browser capabilities, or at least close to it, HTML5 can become the common ground where developers create their apps and not worry about device-specific quirks. This is mainly because of HTML5’s ability to scale to any screen size and processor because it is a common standard that everybody will be implementing on their mobile platforms.


OPERATING SYSTEMS – There are currently two leading Mobile operating systems in the market – the Android OS by Google, and the iOS by Apple.
The status quo right now is that multiplatform is the best way to go for any application, which allows it to penetrate a wider market audience.
So how can we go multi-platform in today’s mobile environment?


CLOUD COMPUTING – Cloud Computing. We require a common Mobile Enterprise Application Platform (MEAP) that is available on all mobile platforms. Mobile applications can run on the Cloud and accessed through the MEAP, allowing everyone to have a common ground in mobile application consumption.


HTML 5 – Another method is to use HTML5. Since all platforms have full browser capabilities, or at least close to it, HTML5 can become the common ground where developers create their apps and not worry about device-specific quirks. This is mainly because of HTML5’s ability to scale to any screen size and processor because it is a common standard that everybody will be implementing on their mobile platforms.


  1. GOOGLE NOW – Google believes voice recognition is the way forward, not screens. As such the software to handle the functionality will be in the cloud and our app should be able to connect through to the service provided by Google Now. An internet connection must be present for the technology to work.


  1. INTEL WORKING ON JARVIS – A voice recognition tool that can work also offline but maybe in the shape of a little piece of hardware (chip/shape of a data card)3. DRAGON MOBILE ASSISTANT – Dragon is an intelligent mobile voice assistant than can recognize your voice and perform various actions on your mobile device.





Having looked at the various possible infrastructures for voice recognition software it seems currently that this will need to sit in a cloud.

At a minimum the software we require and may potentially have to be custom build and have the following:

  • Ability to record and store a resource amount of voice data per user
  • Ability to recognize a user based on the stored voice data
  • Ability to convert the voice data to text

Documentation Requirements

The following table outlines the Documentation Requirements:

Ref Description
001 A User Guide will be available in Pdf that can be downloaded. However every effort will be made to make the system as intuitive as possible.

Requirements Definition

High Level Overview

Based on the requirements gathering and analysis phases described above the following high level model of the minute.ly app has been derived.

Main Functional clusters:

  • Login
  • Sign on
  • Sign on verification process
  • Secured login
  • Exit
  • Help
  • Create new meeting
  • Edit existing meeting
  • Settings
  • Close app

Once the user opens the minutel.ly app from their mobile device the app is loaded and the user is provided with a very simple menu: Login or sign up.

The sign up process will be standard and include secure verification process.

Once the user has successfully logged on they are in a secure state and can manage their account such as create/edit meeting or change profile settings.

Prior to leaving the app the user is asked if they want to browse through the help files. They can tick a box if they don’t want to see this in the future.

The help section can always be accessed from the settings page. Attendees can remote login to a meeting if the meeting is in progress. Normal login protocol applies.

Screen Shot 2017-05-19 at 23.44.59

Functional Modules

Ref Name Description Complexity
FM-0001 Start Screen The user is presented with the main start up screen Low
FM-0002 Sign on The user is presented with sign on screen to enter the sign on details Low
FM-0003 Log In The user is presented with Log In screen to enter the Log In details Low
FM-0004 Create New Meeting Selecting this option user will create new meeting Medium
FM-0005 Edit Meeting This will let edit meeting Low
FM-0006 Start Meeting This will start meeting Medium
FM-0007 Stop Meeting User can stop meeting in progress by clicking on this icon Low
FM-0008 Play Meeting User can restart meeting by clicking on this icon Low
FM-0009 Pause Meeting User can pause meeting by clicking on this icon Low
FM-0010 Add user User can add a new user to the meeting by clicking on this icon Low
FM-0011 Instant Message This will let to send an instant message to one of the meeting members Low
FM-0012 Add file This will add file to the meeting records Medium
FM-0013 Assign Task This will assign task to particular member of the meeting Medium
FM-0014 Share Gives user option to email or share the recorded minutes Medium
FM-0015 Export This will create Pdf version of minutes taken Low
FM-0016 Help Will bring users in to Pdf user manual Low
FM-0017 Settings This will let customise settings for the meeting and user details Medium
FM-0018 Analytics Helps analyse what functions users are mostly using High
FM-0019 Download Clicking this will let users to download minutes as pdf file Low
FM-0020 Main Screen The user is presented with the main screen Low
FM-0021 Exit This will exit the app and close the app Low

Rate the complexity of the functional module H = High, M = Medium, L = low

Functional Module Breakdown

Start Screen – Functionality

Ref            Description Cross Ref.
FR-1.001 The user is presented with the start-up screen FM-0001
FR-1.002 Opening screen is displayed with displayed icon next (>>) to bring the user to the functional modules outlined in section 7.2 FM-0001
FR-1.003 Icon is displayed to start taking minutes. Click to start organising meeting or sign on to meeting. FM-0001
FR-1.004 Option to go back (<<) is displayed which will let user to exit the application FM-0001


Start Screen – Asset Requirements

Ref Description Cross Ref.
AR-1.001 Display background Image of office table layout FM-0001
AR-1.002 Display product logo FM-0001


Start Screen – Complexity

Start Screen functionality has been rated Low complexity. This is a standard startup function and will not create any complications for user.




Sign on – Functionality

Ref Description Cross Ref.
FR-2.001 User can click button to sign on to meeting FM-0002
FR-2.002 Option to click button that will bring user back to main menu FM-0002
FR-2.003 User will be brought to Login screen to enter his login details. FM-0002


Sign on – Asset Requirements

Ref Description Cross Ref.
AR-2.001 Display background Image of office table layout FM-0002
AR-2.002 Display product logo FM-0002
AR-2.003 Displays button s for user to click on -main menu/ Login/Sign on FM-0002


Sign on –Complexity

Sign-on functionality has been rated Low complexity. This is a standard startup function and will not create any complications for user.



Log-In – Functionality

Ref Description Cross Ref.
FR-2.001 Enters user name FM-0003
FR-2.002 Enters Password FM-0003
FR-2.003 Clicks Log in button FM-0003
FR-2.004 Click button to join meeting remotely FM-0003
FR-2.005 Option to click button that will bring user back to main menu FM-0003


Log-In – Asset Requirements

Ref Description Cross Ref.
AR-2.001 Displaying standard sign in form, with area to enter Username and Password FM-0003
AR-2.002 Display product logo FM-0003


Log-In – Complexity

Log-In functionality has been rated Low complexity. If user forgets his user name or password he will need to follow standard procedure by requesting it to be sent to users email. After email is receive user will Login as normal.



Create New Meeting – Functionality

Ref Description Cross Ref.
FR-2.001 Create meeting title FM-0004
FR-2.002 Enter date and time from pop-up calendar FM-0004
FR-2.003 Enter location FM-0004
FR-2.004 Select name of the minute taker from your contact list FM-0004
FR-2.005 Select attendees from your contact list FM-0004
FR-2.006 Create the Agenda FM-0004
FR-2.007 Save the meeting with its previously created title FM-0004
FR-2.008 Send invitation out to attendees or start the meeting FM-0004


Create New Meeting – Asset Requirements

Ref Description Cross Ref.
AR-2.001 Present data field to type in the name of the meeting title FM-0004
AR-2.002 Display Calendar icon for users to enter the current date FM-0004
AR-2.003 Present data field to type in the name of the location FM-0004
AR-2.004 Present link to contact list to select minute taker from FM-0004
AR-2.005 Present link to contact list to select attendees from FM-0004
AR-2.006 Display fields to enter Time, Item and Presenter/Owner for Agenda FM-0004
AR-2.007 Display ‘Save’ button to save the meeting. Auto title from AR-2.010 FM-0004
AR-2.008 Display buttons to Start, Edit or Send invitations to new meeting FM-0004


Create New Meeting – Complexity

Although this item has a complexity rating of Medium and there are a number of steps involved in creating the meeting, it is not a particularly difficult task to perform. Clearly some thought has to be put into the creating of the Agenda but no more so than doing this in a manual way. With the intuitive navigation, it becomes simply a matter of data entry. By way of confirmation for the user, a new entry in the list of meetings scheduled will appear with its title.


Edit Meeting – Functionality

Ref Description Cross Ref.
FR-2.001 Click ‘Edit’ button to make changes to any meeting FM-0005
FR-2.002 Select the meeting that you want to edit from the list of all meetings FM-0005
FR-2.003 Select item that needs to be edited (title, date/time, attendees, etc.) FM-0005
FR-2.004 Save changes FM-0005
FR-2.005 Resend invitations if necessary FM-0005


Edit Meeting – Asset Requirements

Ref Description Cross Ref.
AR-2.001 Display ‘Edit meeting’ button to choose from a selection of buttons FM-0005
AR-2.002 Display the list of all scheduled meetings FM-0005
AR-2.003 All fields (title, date/time, attendees, etc.) need to be editable FM-0005
AR-2.004 Display button ‘Save (changes)’ FM-0005


Edit Meeting – Complexity

This function has a low level of complexity. If a user can successfully create a new meeting, then editing one is, by extension, an almost identical task and a lot less time consuming depending on what or how many items need to be changed.

Note: This functional section regarding editing relates to a meeting that hasn’t occurred yet. For future requirements, the modelling diagrams will include two different edit functions. One as above and the other to include an edit function that will allow someone to edit a recorded meeting which is a completely different function.






Start Meeting – Functionality

Ref Description Cross Ref.
FR-2.001 Double-click meeting from the list of all meetings to start it FM-0006
FR-2.002 Select from Main Screen, Attendee Screen or Tool Screen FM-0006
FR-2.003 On Main Screen, minutes in text appear live by individual attendee FM-0006
FR-2.004 On Main Screen, controls for Start, Stop/Save, Pause, Play FM-0006
FR-2.005 On Attendee Screen, shows list of attendees present on session FM-0006
FR-2.006 On Attendee Screen, click to add new attendee FM-0006
FR-2.007 On Attendee Screen, additional button to remove absent individual FM-0006
FR-2.008 On Tool Screen, drop a file (doc, jpg, pdf, pps, xls) into the meeting FM-0006
FR-2.009 On Tool Screen, swipe an IM to an attendee FM-0006
FR-2.010 On Tool Screen, assign a task to an attendee FM-0006


Start Meeting – Asset Requirements

Ref Description Cross Ref.
AR-2.001 Tooltip to indicate double-click meeting from list to start it FM-0006
AR-2.002 3 Button/Icons to choose from Main, Attendee or Tool Screen FM-0006
AR-2.003 Main screen displays minutes as they are happening FM-0006
AR-2.004 Main screen displays standard controls for Start, Stop, Pause and Play FM-0006
AR-2.005 Display list of attendees present on session on Attendee Screen FM-0006
AR-2.006 Display button to add new attendee FM-0006
AR-2.007 Display another button to remove absent individual FM-0006
AR-2.008 Display a paper clip icon to indicate that an attachment can be made available by any user to the whole meeting for collaboration FM-0006
AR-2.009 Display Chat field with send button and drop-down to choose an attendee from list of attendees to IM FM-0006
AR-2.010 Display option to create ‘Task’ and drop-down to choose who to assign the newly created task to FM-0006


Start Meeting – Complexity

Starting a meeting may seem like a simple enough task but we have defined the complexity level as medium. There are a number of different routes that a user might take such as when they are presented with the Main, Attendee and Tool screens. The choices that can be made at this point will become obvious enough after some spent using the app but for new users, a well-defined help section will be created for this function. Once people can relate the functionality of the app to what they do on a regular basis during a meeting with regard to taking minutes, it will be a light bulb moment when they realize that the app has been designed to hopefully make their lives easier.


Stop Meeting – Functionality

Ref Description Cross Ref.
FR-2.001 Click the ‘Stop’ button. FM-0007
FR-2.002 All recorded conversation is converted to text and emailed to all FM-0007
FR-2.003 Meeting owner is asked whether he/she wants an audio version in addition to the text based version to be sent FM-0007

Stop Meeting – Asset Requirements

Ref Description Cross Ref.
AR-2.001 Stop Button to be displayed as part of standard controls on Main screen FM-0007
AR-2.002 Background processing of converted data being prepared to be sent to individual email accounts FM-0007
AR-2.003 Final choice before exiting the app is to select whether an audio version of the meeting is required or not FM-0007


Stop Meeting – Complexity

This is a low complexity task as the user only has to tap the Stop button and then make a choice of audio version or not.




Play Meeting – Functionality

Ref Description Cross Ref.
FR-2.001 The ‘Play’ button will be combined into a single button with the Pause button to invite the user to playback a meeting in playback mode and also to pause/resume in this mode as required. FM-0008
FR-2.002 Click Play/Pause to pause/resume a meeting in record mode. FM-0008


Play Meeting – Asset Requirements

Ref Description Cross Ref.
AR-2.001 Display Play/Pause button in Playback mode FM-0008
AR-2.002 Display Play/Pause button in Record mode FM-0008


Play Meeting – Complexity

Low complexity operation. This control speaks for itself as most people are well used to operating a CD player and intuition will kick in to assist with the smooth operation of this function.


Pause Meeting – Functionality

Ref Description Cross Ref.
FR-2.001 The ‘Pause’ button will be combined into a single button with the Play button to invite the user to playback a meeting in playback mode and also to pause/resume in this mode as required. FM-0009
FR-2.002 Click Play/Pause to pause/resume a meeting in record mode. FM-0009


Pause Meeting – Asset Requirements

Ref Description Cross Ref.
AR-2.001 Display Play/Pause button in Playback mode FM-0009
AR-2.002 Display Play/Pause button in Record mode FM-0009


Pause Meeting – Complexity

Low complexity operation. This control speaks for itself as most people are well used to operating a CD player and intuition will kick in to assist with the smooth operation of this function.


Add user – Functionality

Ref Description Cross Ref.
FR-2.001 New user can be added to the meeting FM-0010
FR-2.002 Click the plus button (+) in the attendees section FM-0010
FR-2.003 Option to search for the person to be added from the scroll list FM-0010
FR-2.004 Choose the particular person by clicking on his/her photo FM-0010

Add user – Asset Requirements

Ref Description Cross Ref.
AR-2.001 Display main menu screen with the attendees section FM-0010
AR-2.002 Display smart search with the list of attendees and their photos FM-0010
AR-2.003 Display added user picture, name and time of joining the meeting on the minutes section FM-0010


Add user – Complexity

Add user functionality has been rated Low complexity. This action can be accomplished very easily with three clicks. This is a standard add user function and will not create any complications for user.



Instant Message – Functionality

Ref Description Cross Ref.
FR-2.001 User can send an instant message to another individual attendee FM-0011
FR-2.002 On Tools screen user can double click IM FM-0011
FR-2.003 By clicking IM button a user is presented with an option to choose another attendee to send him/her an instant FM-0011
FR-2.004 On Main Screen, text bar appears where user can type a message to another individual attendee of the meeting FM-0011
FR-2.005 User needs to click to “Send” button to send a message FM-0011


Instant Message – Asset Requirements

Ref Description Cross Ref.
AR-2.001 Instant message IM button in tools section FM-0011
AR-2.002 Text bar, name and photo of the message sender and recipient appears on the main screen FM-0011
AR-2.003 “Send” button displayed on the main screen FM-0011


Instant Message – Complexity

Send instant message functionality has been rated Low complexity. This is a standard function to send a message which exists in most instant message applications and shouldn’t create any complications for user.



Add file – Functionality

Ref Description Cross Ref.
FR-2.001 User can add the file to the meeting FM-0012
FR-2.002 Click the add file “F” button in the tools section FM-0012
FR-2.003 On the main screen user can browse and select the file to be added FM-0012
FR-2.004 User needs to click to “Add” button on the main screen to add the file to the meeting FM-0012


Add file – Asset Requirements

Ref Description Cross Ref.
AR-2.001 Add file “F” button in tools section FM-0012
AR-2.002 Browser file and selected file appear on the main screen FM-0012
AR-2.003 “Add” button displayed on the main screen FM-0012
AR-2.004 FM-0012


Add file – Complexity

Add file functionality has been rated Medium complexity. This is a standard function to add the file and shouldn’t create any complications for user.



Assign Task – Functionality

Ref Description Cross Ref.
FR-2.001 User can assign task for another attendee of the meeting FM-0013
FR-2.002 User clicks assign task “T” button in the tools section FM-0013
FR-2.003 On the main screen user can browse the attendee to assign task to FM-0013
FR-2.004 User type the task description (title, due date and add to calendar) FM-0013
FR-2.005 User needs to click “Save” button to save task to an attendee FM-0013


Assign Task – Asset Requirements

Ref Description Cross Ref.
AR-2.001 Assign a task “T” button in tools section FM-0013
AR-2.002 Picture and name of the attendee for the task appear on the main screen FM-0013
AR-2.003 Task description (title, due date, add to calendar) appear below attendee’s picture and name on the main screen FM-0013
AR-2.004 “Save” button displayed on the main screen FM-0013


Assign Task – Complexity

Assign a task functionality has been rated Medium complexity. This is a standard function to add the file and shouldn’t create any complications for user






Share Minutes – Functionality

Ref Description Cross Ref.
FR-2.001 Meeting minutes files can be distributed to users FM-0014
FR-2.002 Click the Share button to display the sharing options FM-0014
FR-2.003 Choose a meeting to share FM-0014
FR-2.004 Select a person or group of people to share the meeting minutes with FM-0014


Share Minutes – Asset Requirements

Ref Description Cross Ref.
AR-2.001 Display a Share button to distribute the minutes PDF file FM-0014
AR-2.002 Options are presented to share files via email or Bluetooth FM-0014
AR-2.003 Notifications are present to display the device’s Bluetooth status FM-0014
AR-2.004 Active email accounts are displayed for sending files FM-0014


Share Minutes – Complexity

Share functionality has been rated Medium complexity. This control performs a single function, .i.e. distributes the meeting minutes. The action can be easily accomplished with three clicks.




Export Minutes – Functionality

Ref Description Cross Ref.
FR-2.010 The entire meeting or a portion of the meeting can be exported FM-0015
FR-2.020 Minutes can be exported to PDF format FM-0015
FR-2.030 Minutes audio can be exported to a single audio file FM-0015
FR-2.040 Older meetings can be exported FM-0015
FR-2.050 Minutes that have been previously exported are cached to avoid re-porting a meeting FM-0015



Export Minutes – Asset Requirements

Ref Description Cross Ref.
AR-2.001 Display a button to export minutes FM-0015
AR-2.002 Most recent recorded meeting is displayed first. Older meetings can also be individually selected for export FM-0015
AR-2.003 Options for output formats are presented so the user can selcet one or all output formats FM-0015
AR-2.004 Progress indicators are displayed to the user showing export progress percentage and time remaining FM-0015


Export Minutes – Complexity

Export Minutes functionality has been rated Low complexity. Due to comparatively large amount of data gathered in the meeting, PDF and audio file conversion / compression this functionality is device intensive. This functionality is easily accomplished with 3 clicks and export progress is displayed to users.



Help – Functionality

Ref Description Cross Ref.
FR-2.001 Display a help panel with the active page changing to match what panel/context the help button was clicked from FM-0016
FR-2.002 Option to search the help contents FM-0016
FR-2.003 Help contents are stored locally to enable users to browse help topics without online access FM-0016
FR-2.004 Help contents utilize the native zooming functionality of the device FM-0016
FR-2.005 Help contents can be printed via wireless networked printers FM-0016





Help – Asset Requirements

Ref Description Cross Ref.
AR-2.001 A Help button is present on every screen FM-0016
AR-2.002 Display a search button in the help panel for instant user searching FM-0016
AR-2.003 The help section is categorized / tagged for easy searching FM-0016
AR-2.004 Suggested help topics links are displayed with the links varying on the current context. FM-0016
AR-2.005 Search forms, tags, suggested help topics are hidden by default on lower resolution devices to utilize all available screen space for help content FM-0016


Help – Complexity

Help functionality has been rated Low complexity. It performs a single function, intuitive help contents are displayed to the user



Settings – Functionality

Ref Description Cross Ref.
FR-2.001 A settings panel is displayed to the user FM-0017
FR-2.002 Options for device integration and the current status is displayed e.g. access to microphone, Bluetooth, calendar etc. FM-0017
FR-2.003 Settings for integration with 3rd party providers such as Gmail / Outlook FM-0017
FR-2.004 Settings to allow access to network cellular data as well as Wi-Fi FM-0017
FR-2.005 Control and test microphone integration and volume levels FM-0017






Settings – Asset Requirements

Ref Description Cross Ref.
AR-2.001 Display the settings screen with categorized / tabbed options FM-0017
AR-2.002 Display problems with current device settings with a link for suggested resolution in the help section FM-0017
AR-2.003 Picture and profile details are displayed for the current user along with an edit button for updating the user information FM-0017
AR-2.004 An option to clear all previous / archived meetings and file exports FM-0017
AR-2.005 About button to show the current application version as well as available software updates FM-0017


Settings – Complexity

Settings functionality has been rated Medium complexity. Due to all of the application device settings as well as 3rd party provider settings present in one panel, users have a large range of settings to configure.



Analytics – Functionality

Ref Description Cross Ref.
FR-2.001 After clicking a button user will see meetings statistics FM-0018
FR-2.002 User can choose to view a relevant meeting from the list of meetings FM-0018
FR-2.003 User can find participants along with active contributors FM-0018
FR-2.004 Displays overall and detailed info of each minute taken FM-0018
FR-2.005 Shows total time spoken per attendee FM-0018
FR-2.006 Shows time of the recording (start, finish, duration) FM-0018
FR-2.007 Shows interruptions (2 attendees talking) FM-0018
FR-2.008 Provides reference to meeting related tools such as emails, tasks, files. FM-0018




Analytics – Asset Requirements

Ref Description Cross Ref.
AR-2.001 Button that brings user to menu with statistics FM-0018
AR-2.002 Statistics menu laid in a tree with branches leading to each functionality FM-0018
AR-2.003 Links to related tools under each branch FM-0018
AR-2.004 Return button – moves user one step back, escape button – brings user to the main screen FM-0018


Analytics – Complexity

Analytics functionality has been rated High complexity. Due to relatively large amount of data gathered in this section user will have to dig in to find relevant info. Analytics is not intended for regular usage but rather for occasional reporting purpose.



Download –Functionality

Ref Description Cross Ref.
FR-2.001 By clicking a button a user is presented with an option to open a local storage for pdf files (by default empty) or cloud storage (all recordings are stored there by default). FM-0019
FR-2.002 In any type of storage, a user can scroll down to find any particular recording. FM-0019
FR-2.003 In cloud storage a user can select recording for download as pdf file into local storage (mobile). FM-0019
FR-2.004 User can confirms the selected record to be downloaded FM-0019
FR-2.005 When confirmation is provided recording converted to pdf is being instantly downloaded onto local mobile (local storage) for offline usage. FM-0019





Download –Asset Requirements

Ref Description Cross Ref.
AR-2.001 Download button FM-0019
AR-2.002 Directory on mobile for storing pdf files FM-0019
AR-2.003 Radio button followed by prompt for conversion to pdf and download (confirmation dialog) FM-0019
AR-2.004 Upon download, a message pops up with info the file has been downloaded and it can be viewed by clicking a presented link (redirecting the local storage). FM-0019


Download – Complexity

Download functionality has been rated Low complexity. This control does what it says i.e. downloads pdf files. This action can be accomplished very easily with three clicks. Finding right file for conversion to pdf and downloading could be more intensive.



Main Screen –Functionality

Ref Description Cross Ref.
FR-2.001 The minutes appear live by individual attendee FM-0020
FR-2.002 Using main screen interface user can start recording a minute FM-0020
FR-2.003 User can pause / resume recording FM-0020
FR-2.004 User can stop / save recording FM-0020
FR-2.005 The recording can be played back FM-0020


Main Screen – Asset Requirements

Ref Description Cross Ref.
AR-2.001 Window where the minutes appear FM-0020
AR-2.002 Record button FM-0020
AR-2.003 Pause / Resume button FM-0020
AR-2.004 Stop / Save button FM-0020
AR-2.005 Play button FM-0020


Main Screen – Complexity

Main Screen functionality has been rated Low complexity. Using this part is very straight forward; the appearing live minutes are positioned neatly along with pleasant design and eye friendly readability- it has been reported as very easy to follow. Navigation is extremely simplified and probably as intuitive as possible.





Ref Description Cross Ref.
FR-2.001 By clicking Exit button a user is prompted to confirm further action by clicking ‘Yes’, ‘No’ or ‘Want Help’ FM-0021
FR-2.002 Click on “Yes” securely ends user session i.e. logs out and brings user to Main Menu page FM-0021
FR-2.003 Click on “No” means no action, user stays logged in and his session opened FM-0021
FR-2.004 Click on “Want Help” brings user to the help page for detailed FAQ and documentation. FM-0021


Exit- Asset Requirements

Ref Description Cross Ref.
AR-2.001 Exit button FM-0021
AR-2.002 Dialog box prompting for confirming further action FM-0021
AR-2.003 Inner dialog’s buttons ‘Yes’, ‘No, ‘Want Help’ FM-0021


Exit– Complexity

Exit functionality has been rated Low complexity. This control is self-explanatory; it will allow user exit the session and close the application. This is a standard function and will not create any complications for user.




Minimum Viable Product

After interviewing potential users and analysing survey results we can see that as a minimum functionality for our product 80% of users have identified following 4 functions outlined in the table below.

Ref Description Priority
MFS-0001 Converting voice to text High
MFS -0002 Recognition off individual voices of users High
MFS -0003 Joining meeting remotely High
MFS -0004 Emailing typed minutes to meeting members High

MFS = Minimum Feature set required as a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) release

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